View this update with comments on Kickstarter.
Hey everyone!
I know a lot of you are concerned about development, so I thought I'd bring you up to speed. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, however, we do have an announcement to make.
Witchmarsh's composer, Francisco, was awarded a grant with which to record some of the soundtrack with a live studio band. We love what we've heard so far, and have put together a teaser video featuring the game's combat theme, some new gameplay, and clips from the recording sessions.
It's not quite a new trailer or release date, but we'll hopefully get there before long. We hope you enjoyed it! :)
Why it's (still) taking so long:
In spite of some obstacles, made all the more serious by the small nature of our team; 2018 was still a good year for progress.
Looking at the screenshots, it's easy to forget that Witchmarsh is an RPG, and not a platformer with RPG bits tacked on. All of these databases (items, skill, spells, attributes, enemies/npcs, equipment) require heaps of dev-hours to put together.
On such a long project, burnout can creep in, too. There are times when it feels like something of a Sisyphean task. Lately however, we've tried to be more conscious of this, structuring our work and lives in a way which avoids over-stretching - like taking plenty of time off over the holidays, for example!
It also hasn't helped that we've remade elements of the game that were finished - like the smaller characters seen in the Kickstarter trailer.
As we've touched on before, we understand the frustration going around, because we feel it too. We want the game out there, but we also want it to be right, while remaining loyal to the original concept.
Because of this, we've decided to wait a little longer before setting a release date. We hope to bring you more news on this soon! As always, thanks for your support and patience. We couldn't have come this far without the help of our backers and community.
We hope you'll stick with us. We think 2019 will be an exciting year for the project. :)
Inglenook Games